Wednesday 7 October 2009

Famous Black Britons

October is Black History Month. In celebration of this Year 9 students will be wrting a report on famous Black people who come from Britain.

You might find the following website useful for this preject:

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Civil Rights Movie Project

In pairs make a 3 minute movie about the Fight for Civil Rights in the USA. Your movie should include key dates such as the year slavery was abolished and the dates of the American Civil War.

Success criteria:
Level 4: you have included 2 key dates and roughly explained how slaves became free
Level 5: you have included 3 or more key dates and 2 key words (eg. Segregation) and have explained how slaves became free and what life was like for freed slaves
Level 6: you have included 4 or more key dates and at least 3 key words. You have also explained what life was like for slaves after they were freed and you have used statistics to help you (eg. 2000 black people were lynched)

To help, here are some examples of movies made by other people:

Get started!!!

Ms Clancy

Tuesday 8 September 2009


Welcome to the year 9 History blog. This is an area where I will post homework and extension tasks. I will also add examples of good pieces of work and links to some useful websites.

Happy blogging!

Ms Clancy